Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Thanksgiving to the Food

My friend and mentor Barry Moses suggested that I gave a Thanksgiving to all the food that supported me during my month. I liked the idea and cooked a final meal of wild food and shared it with my friends. Barry, who is a native from the Spokane Tribe, did a blessing in Salish, the native language from around here. This was a very cool ceremony and left me with a sense of completion and thanksgiving for the beautiful land that I live on.

We ate the wild turkey that my brother and I hunted the previous month, combined with wild amaranth and an apple huckleberry cobbler made with cattail flour and dock seeds.
It was delicious and it was great to share it with friends!

my brother Nathen

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

About Jake, about time

Jake was the lead rooster. I had so many memories about Jake, that I couldn't just put him in soup. I had to appreciate him to the fullest. I baked him in the oven.

Jake was the leader of the flock. He was the dominant chicken and always won the fights with Zac. He could also crow the loudest. One of my strongest memories of Jake was when the neighbors dog got loose and chased all my roosters. All of them came back, except for Jake. I went looking for him, but couldn't find him. I thought he was gone for good. The next morning I heard a crow in the backyard and knew it was Jake. About a week later I found out he had been trapped in a neighbor's garage overnight. He was smart to come back, and loyal to his chicken flock.

I don't know why people use the term: 'You're too chicken to do something", because I saw those chickens do stuff I am sure people would never do. They just don't think the way people do, but they certainly weren't stupid or scared.

Jake was the rightful leader, the biggest, the fastest and the smartest of them all.

A couple of pictures I would like to share, because they are fish and fish are awesome.

The biggest salmon I caught and ate, it was 24 pounds

The biggest bass of the year, it wasn't anywhere close to the salmon, only 3 pounds, but it was pretty good for Twin Lakes

First ever King Salmon, I sure enjoyed eating salmon during my month of wild foods.

This was my first pike, I didn't actually eat it yet, but I can't wait to try it.