Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hunting trip

Yesterday I went hunting but sadly, I didn't get anything. I went hunting with Tim and since he is also a butcher, someone brought in a moose. The person didn't want the moose heart, so I got it.

Therefore today for dinner I had stuffed moose heart. It is amazing how big a moose's heart actually is. It was about the size of a football. I made the stuffing with wild onions, salt, apple, cooked amaranth, cattail root flour and oregano. I cooked the heart with the stuffing for four hours. It tasted pretty good, especially since I haven't had red meat for a while. It was a little tough. Tomorrow I am going to try to fry some slices up.

I also tried something new for lunch today. Cattail flour breaded fish fillets. They were excellent. And I made a big batch of applesauce with huckleberries.

Another day of not just surviving, but thriving.

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